Membrane Hydrophilic/
Chemical Compatibility Protein Binding Flow Rate Applications Limitations
PTFE (Polytetrafluoro-
Hydrophobic (can be hydrophilic) Excellent resistance to strong acids, bases, and organic solvents Very Low Moderate Filtration of aggressive organic solvents, gases, and non-aqueous samples Not suitable for aqueous solutions unless treated to be hydrophilic
PES (Polyether-
Hydrophilic Resistant to aqueous solutions, moderate organic solvents Low High Filtration of biological fluids, buffers, cell culture media, HPLC prep Not resistant to strong organic solvents like acetone or chloroform
Nylon Hydrophilic Broad compatibility with aqueous and organic solvents Moderate Moderate General laboratory filtration, environmental testing, HPLC Moderate protein binding, may affect sensitive proteins
PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) Hydrophobic (can be hydrophilic) Excellent resistance to organic solvents, acids, bases Low Moderate Sterile air/gas filtration, biological sample filtration, protein filtration More expensive than other membranes, may need to be hydrophilic for aqueous
CA (Cellulose Acetate) Hydrophilic Limited to aqueous solutions and mild chemicals Low Very High Microbiological and sterile filtration of aqueous solutions, cell culture media Poor chemical resistance to organic solvents and aggressive chemicals
RC (Regenerated Cellulose) Hydrophilic Compatible with aqueous and some organic solvents Low Moderate Protein filtration, HPLC sample prep, filtration of aqueous/organic mixtures Less mechanical strength, not ideal for aggressive chemicals
GF (Glass Fiber) Hydrophilic Suitable for high particle loads, but not for sterile filtration N/A Very High Pre-filtration of samples with high particulates, air pre-filtration Not suitable for final sterile filtration due to large pore size

Best for Sterile Air Filtration:

  • PVDF and PTFE are the top choices due to their hydrophobic properties, low protein binding, and excellent chemical resistance.
  • GF may be used as a pre-filter in air filtration systems but would not be suitable for sterile final filtration.

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