Join Us at the SME & Start-up Pitch Event @ CLIB (Cluster for Industrial Biotechnology)!

We are excited to announce that JFermi Biotechnology Kft. will be pitching at the prestigious SME & Start-up Pitch Event hosted by CLIB on 13 August 2024, from 13:00 to 17:00 in Düsseldorf.

About the Event

The transition of the chemical industry towards defossilisation and sustainability requires a broad range of new processes and products. This event aims to bring together innovators, experts, and investors to exchange ideas, build connections, and advance technologies capable of making a difference.

Event Scope

The event will focus on innovations using biomass as feedstock or incorporating biotechnology in their processes to produce industrially relevant products. Innovations can range from bulk chemicals like polymers and platform chemicals to fine chemicals such as flavors, food additives, or adhesives. Contributions to alternative proteins, textiles and fibers, as well as solutions for the building or logistics sector are welcome to participate.

We are pleased to see registrations from major industry players like BASF, Bayer, Capricorn Partners, ECBF, Evonik Creavis, Henkel, High-Tech Gründerfonds, LIOF, Nordzucker, NRW.Bank, Pall, Procter & Gamble, and Uniper.

Key Features of Our Bioreactors

During our pitch, we will be showcasing our innovative bioreactors that have gained recognition in laboratories across the USA, Canada, Hungary, and Greece. Key features include:

  • Mini Server: No license fee, accessible from anywhere, and by any number of users simultaneously.
  • USB Technology: Ensures rapid and low-cost maintenance/serviceability with plug & play peripherals.
  • Flexible Parameterization: Open-source technology allows customizable fermentation processes, moving away from the “black box” approach.

What We Are Looking For

At this event, we aim to establish strategic partnerships, connect with potential reference customers and industry experts, and explore capital investment to scale up our manufacturing capabilities. We also seek support from research institutions and R&D labs to refine our bioreactor technology and drive innovation in biotechnology.

We look forward to this exciting opportunity and are eager to demonstrate how our bioreactors can revolutionize research and development in biotechnology.

For more information, check out our animated video: JFermi Bioreactors Video

Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,

The JFermi Biotechnology Kft. Team

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